Category Archives: Testimony

I Know God Cares for Me!

In August 2004, six months into my first pregnancy, I attended a routine antenatal checkup with my husband. The midwife was moving the Doppler around my abdomen unable to locate the baby’s heartbeat. She told me that it wasn’t working so she needed to go and find another one. At that moment, I instinctively knew something was wrong.  She returned later and told us to go to the hospital as they had better equipment. On the way to the hospital, I called my mum and began to cry uncontrollably because I knew that the Doppler was not faulty.

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The Short, the Weak, the Fat Fingered

(Eph 4:16) – “from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”

Fellowship had finished and we stood around the notice board on the ground floor, ready to embark on our journey home. “You guys are tall! Can you help me pin these schedules up on the notice board?” Sister A asks. We respond with a chuckle, Brother A replies “I can’t do it, I’m way too short, sorry. The other two can do it!”. Sister A gives Brother B and I the schedules. “I cannot push the pins in!” I explain, as I use all my might to shove the pins into the notice board, “I’m far too weak! It’s up to you now!” Looking at Brother B.

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Witnessing to My Best Friend

I’ve known Megan since 7th grade. She knew I went to True Jesus Church and that services were on Saturday, but that was all I ever shared with her. Evangelizing to her never crossed my mind because religion rarely crept into our conversations. It wasn’t until my dad asked if I wanted to bring her to a Friday hymnal praise night that I actually did. We learned in RE class that arguably the most effective type of evangelizing is personal evangelism; from friend to friend, family to family. I realized I was very lukewarm in my faith and easily forgot Jesus’ Great Commission in the calm rhythm of daily life.

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Over Froyo

Since entering the workforce, I’ve found it harder to find opportunities to preach. This is probably a common feeling for those who have recently transitioned from student life to the working world. However, I’ve realized that the opportunities are still there – one may just need to look harder.

When I first started at my job, I was asked to join the building’s disaster/emergency evacuation team. It wasn’t something I was excited about since it was on top of all my other day-to-day job duties. The team met consistently for a period of about half a year and through it, I met some people in other departments. Another girl and I clicked, probably since we both dreaded attending those meetings. When our team went on a hiatus, we decided to schedule time every couple weeks to take breaks together and catch up. She was the one who always initiated the scheduling since I usually got wrapped up in work and would forget.

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