Tag Archives: offering

To God, with Love

To God:

in a world that esteems the cool
and collectedness of objectivity
values logic over the clingy sentiments of a
simple folk who feel,
that prides itself for being strong in their detachment
and has no place for those who are irreversibly attached,
who are stuck to the little things
that make our existence warm;
You value the insecurites, the inadequacies,
the imperfections and bumbling words
the expensive mistakes that time has proven
and the painful honesty that no one agrees with.
Even this, for all that we are
for all that we are not
You love us.
In this we know that our God cares for us
not in part, but freely,
and though we have never deserved it
nor will ever deserve any way
You have loved us, whole.
For that we are forever indebted to Your grace
let us offer all that we are,
(all that we are not,)
at Your feet.

You have accepted our humble offering

in a world where the rich live in style
and throw many things away in the name of love
But the poor, the ones who fall short –
those who desire to touch the hem of Your garment
will give up themselves
for the One they love.

For those who were forgiven much, they will come to love much.
with love