The coming of the Holy Spirit has long been prophesied by the prophets in the OT. Among all others, Joel and Isaiah are the most prominent. They gave lengthy and detailed descriptions to the functions and the works of the promised Holy Spirit. According to Joel, the Spirit is to be given to all flesh (Joel 2:28). It simply means that among those who come to Him, God can give the Spirit to whomever He chooses. The gift of the Spirit is no longer just for an elite few. One outstanding feature of the Promised Spirit is His ever-abiding presence in those whom He dwells, as opposed to His functions in the OT.
Those whom the Spirit dwells are filled by the Spirit. Being filled by the Spirit can be looked at from three perspectives. Firstly, when the Spirit came upon the 120, they were all filled by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4). The entire fullness of God was in each and every one of them. The case of Paul being filled by the Holy Spirit is another example (Acts 9:17). This is in fulfillment of what Christ has said that the Spirit shall be given without measure (Jn. 3:34). Being filled here occurs at the receiving of the Holy Spirit. This is also Jesus’ promise before His suffering that after He has ascended back to Heavens He shall send His disciples the comforter (Jn. 14:16, 23; 16:13), who shall direct and build them up from within. Continue reading