Category Archives: Biblical Womanhood

Etched on His Hands

Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands. (Isa 49:15-16a)

Our parents step into their new role the day we are born, yet their official capacity ends on the day they (or we) pass away. God, on the other hand, was our Father even before the beginning of time, and will continue to be so into eternity in the heavenly kingdom. His loving presence is permanent.

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Reflections on Married Life: Jericho

I am often asked in passing how married life is going. I never know how to answer such a loaded question in a brief sentence. I think most of the time I am asked out of courtesy, like how’s it going, or how are you. It would be polite to just reply “fine,” but there is more space here than four characters, so here’s what I have to say:

Kevin and I are opposites in many ways, and that tension brings out the worst and best of us, often resulting in a literal tug of war of blankets, clothes, and chores. And, I think these are the moments that test the marriage–not the fancy sparkly anniversary celebrations planned by Kevin that I admittedly sometimes daydream about.

In Joshua 6, the obedient, mundane, silent marching of the Israelites for six days around Jericho led to a victory delivered by God. This reminded me that keeping up with the mundane and repetitive tasks that make an organized and functional home are the elements of a victorious marriage in the Lord. It’s not easy because little things that are ignored pile up–I know because the last load of laundry is still unfolded, the stack of bills is like a rising tide, and every chair in the living room is occupied by papers, books, and boxes. On top of that, Kevin and I are trying arrange time to pray and read the Bible together every day, the “ark” of our daily march which should be prioritized before any other to-do.

Where Kevin takes me for our next vacation or for a fancy anniversary celebration will be great, but more important are how we handle the routine tasks of cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, ironing, and managing our budget.

So the next time you ask me how married life is going – make sure you’ve also got time to hear out my reply.

Reflections on Married Life: My Single Life

My single years have so far been the most productive in my faith. Prior to falling in love with Kevin, I fell in love with Jesus Christ. I had time to serve God with greater flexibility when I only had one schedule to consider – mine. I found him. Remember the Creator in the days of your youth. I enjoyed that time in singlehood and I enjoyed praying to God to find me spouse and to bless my future marriage. I can’t say that one part of my life is better than the other because both were given by God and through both, God walked by my side. Married life is wonderful, but don’t waste away single life fantasizing about married life. Single life is also a blessing, so use it to be productive for Christ. I had crushes and I dated other guys briefly, and I thank God that none of those experiences led to sin. Those experiences are things I want to share with my younger sisters and brothers in Christ to let them know the dangers of college dorms and even “casual” relationships and how God protected me.

Now I really look forward to serving God with my new partner, but this might take some time as even the Israelite army in the Old Testament excused soldiers from active duty for one year from their wedding.

The Secret Behind a Single Strand

Curly. Wavy. Straight.
Black. Brown. Blonde. Red. Grey. White.
In the sink. On the pillow. In a comb. On your head.

Hair dominates the human landscape. Each person is born with approximately 100,000 hair follicles. Each follicle can produce up to 20 strands of hair in its lifetime. With so much hair to spare, it is no wonder we become engrossed with it.

Our obsession with hair is manifested in the endless aisles of shampoo, conditioners, treatments, dyes, sprays, curling irons, straightening irons, blow dryers, and other hair products. We spend too many waking hours combing, washing, drying, cutting, and admiring our hair than we would dare to admit, even to ourselves.

Hair also appears to be a topic of interest in the Bible. Hair is mentioned over 100 times in the New and Old Testaments. Who can forget the story of Samson’s mighty mane (Judges 13-15)? King Solomon was captivated by the tresses of his beloved (Song 7:5). Mary wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair, after pouring fragrant nard on them (John 12:3). Hair gives glory to those who possesses it (Proverbs 16:31, 20:29; 1 Corinthians 11:15).

Oddly enough, God also seems to be obsessed with our hair. His concern is not focused only on our lovely locks as a whole, but also centered on the importance of a single strand.

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?
Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
(Luke 12:6-7; Matthew 10:29-31)

Most people shed between 50 and 100 hairs daily. We may barely register when we lose ten or fifteen strands, let alone one or two. Yet, God has counted them one by one. 1, 2, 3…99,998, 99,997, 100,000. A complete set. Like a collector contently reviewing the number of items that make up His valuable collection, God numbers the hairs upon our head.

Not only does He count them, He also protects them.

But not a hair of your head will perish.
(Luke 21:18)

When Daniel’s three friends were thrown into a burning furnace, they became prime examples of God’s care for hair.

Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!” So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them. Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.
(Daniel 3:26-28)

The secret behind the calculation of strands is not God’s obsession with our hair, but His immense, immeasurable love for us. If the almighty Master and Creator of the universe cares about one of the most easily overlooked components of our body, just imagine how much He must care for our whole being!

When we are tired, lonely, lost, frustrated, despondent, let us consider our hair. Let us remember that God’s love is enough to cover a single strand, and more than enough to help us move forward and upward.

1. Think back to a time when your faith was at its lowest. Was there any relation to your experience (or lack thereof) of God’s love?
2. What are some projects or activities you have taken up (or would like to take up) after being motivated and fueled by an experience of God’s love?
3. Look around you. Find at least one thing that demonstrates God’s love for you today.

Take a Walk with Me

Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. (Ps 86:11).

In our speed-addicted, technology-centered society, we’re used to driving, riding, and flying everywhere. We’re very busy, extremely late, and have to get wherever we need to be ASAP. It’s no surprise that many of us even drive to the store at the corner instead of taking the dozen footsteps that could get us there.

Walking? Who has time for walking? Why tire yourself out when you can roll comfortably on a four-wheeler (enjoying the plush leather seats, air conditioning, and a sun roof)?

Despite the many comforts of modern-day transportation, several studies have shown the benefits of walking: Continue reading