Category Archives: Evangelism

A Christian Co-Worker

Thank God that He recently gave me the opportunity to bring a Christian co-worker to bible study. This co-worker, let’s call her Ann, was on my team, so I worked closely with her for a month. The topic of religion had come up several times in our conversations, so I knew that she was a practicing Christian.

After a month of service, the tradition at our work place is that team members will go out for an “off service dinner.” We similarly planned to do an off service dinner and set a date, which happened to be the date of a mid-week bible study I had forgotten about until the day before. I was on the verge of canceling our dinner, but since I had been reading this blog and thinking about evangelism, God reminded me that I should try to bring her to church. I was a little surprised when Ann actually agreed to come. This was a lesson for me that there are probably opportunities for evangelism all around me; I just often don’t see them because I don’t think about evangelism enough.

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Long Beach Airport, Gate 4

I walked towards my gate 10 minutes before boarding time. Most of the waiting area was full as I searched for a vacant seat. Eventually I spotted one on a corner and sat down, letting out a sigh of release. In less than 2 hours I would be back in Norcal, getting ready to go to bed.

I glanced over at the middle-aged woman sitting in front of me. She was reading what was unmistakably the Bible. Should I try to preach to her? Do I have the courage to talk to her? I was scared to try, but my mind was telling me that this was an opportunity, and that when it comes to preaching, we need to go beyond our comfort zone. I also had a TJC pocket calendar on me for this very purpose.

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Out of Darkness, Into the Light

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)

Sometimes, when you feel overwhelmed, it helps to remember that you are chosen by God, through grace, to inherit eternal life — to be part of His special people.

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Reflection on My Life of Faith

Today, I would like to share about the different stages of my life of faith: 1) before my encounter with the True Jesus Church, 2) when I first stepped into a True Jesus Church and 3) after I believed in the True Jesus Church. At different stages, I have been cared for and loved in different ways. Therefore, I would like to reflect and share with you what I have learned.

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Why Am I Still in the True Church?

On November 13, 2016, I was invited to attend a musical play in Taipei. Without knowing the details, I agreed to go with several True Jesus Church (TJC) brethren. Upon our arrival, I was told that the organizer of the play was an association for Christians of various denominations. Personally, I am not that keen on attending non-TJC activities for fear that they may affect my faith. But since I was already seated in the hall, I decided to stay until the end of the play. Moreover, I told myself that this play could bring forth invaluable knowledge for spiritual growth and personal development.

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