Category Archives: Big Loaves

God’s Perfect Arrangement

On 21 August 2022, I excitedly embarked on a flight from Australia to Scotland. However, this holiday was not what I had envisaged at all. Nothing happened as planned. There was sadness and there was joy, hand in hand with a peace that this world cannot afford.

God prepares for us in all aspects of our life. We may not know at the time an incident occurs but further down the line, when we reflect on our circumstances, we can see that there are no coincidences in life, and everything is by the wonderful arrangement of God. God not only prepares for us, He also comforts us in times of sorrow.

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The King Whom God Loved – Solomon

One of the most impressive kings from the Bible is Solomon. If you read the Bible from cover to cover, you can’t escape the amazing feats of Solomon’s understanding: “And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore” (1 Kgs 4:29).

Wisdom gave Solomon the ability to accumulate an Everest of wealth: “The weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold, besides that from the traveling merchants, from the income of traders, from all the kings of Arabia, and from the governors of the country” (1 Kgs 10:14-15).

This wealth came not just by trading (1 Kgs 10:28-29), but also from people who sought to listen to him (1 Kgs 10:23-25). In comparison to today’s global speakers, people from all over the world not only heard about Solomon, but wanted to see and hear him. The king even commanded a set rate year by year from those who heard him!

As you continue to read, one of those notable points in the narration of Solomon’s life was the appearance of the word “BUT”: Continue reading

The Alpha and the Omega

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8)

Many study revelation and prophecy to gain special insight into the future. Naturally, people often want to know about their future. Some tap into the occult and divination to know the future (Acts 16:16-23). Others try to study the future scientifically in the field called “futurology.” Today, so many resources are being devoted to developing Artificial Intelligence to predict and know the future. Yet, despite all the advances in technology, our understanding of the future is pretty limited.

In truth, the past, present, and future are all important. Our past tells us where we came from, our present who we are, and our future the path forward. But in Revelation, Christ reveals Himself as the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is the eternal one—the Almighty—who rules over all history—past, present, and future. Continue reading

God’s Church (II): Discerning Patience and Grace

I have been through the phase of seeing other people’s flaws and even recalling what people have said and done to me. Whether those things were intentional or accidental, I do not know. But one thing that is eye-opening to notice is how God’s grace abides with people despite their flaws. When I talk about flaws, I am not talking about those who speak against the truth or preach a different gospel than that in the Scriptures; such are cursed according to the word of God (Gal 1:6-9).

But for those who have had an oversight, who did not realize what they did wrong, God’s mercy extends to them when they realize and repent (cf. Lev 4:22-31). Are we patient enough to be patient with others? Continue reading

God’s Church (I): Freedom through Mercy

This piece is addressing all those who feel like a prisoner in faith, where we don’t see progress in our own personal journey, which sometimes impacts our faith towards God’s church.

While studying Zechariah recently with fellow workers, we spent time to pray and encourage one another with the truth found in God’s word. The mystery of the true church in the end-time has already been planted in the word of God and has now been reserved for the strengthening of our faith. Continue reading