God’s Way

As I walk along life’s pathway,
I encounter thorns that hinder my way.
I try to push past them but injure my hands.

As I walk along life’s pathway,
I encounter rocks that hinder my way.
I try to kick them aside but injure my feet.

As I walk along life’s pathway,
I encounter a dead end that hinders my way.
I try to find new ground to tread on but fail in all my attempts.

Dear Lord, I wish to stop using my way.
I wish for You to guide me and instruct me in my path.

With one word You cause the thorns to move aside,
With one word You cause the rocks to disappear,
With one word a new path appears before me.

Praise be the Lord, the Almighty God, for His Way is always the best way!

Let me no longer lean upon myself, but let me trust in the Lord each and every step along life’s pathway.

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