Were you just about to close the “Five Loaves and Two Fish” tab? Too busy to read a little sharing or a little encouragement?
As for me, I have to admit that this “oh, right now I am too busy” or “no way, I am dead tired” -attitude of mine would stop me from doing things like kneeling down to pray for 5-10 minutes, reading one or two chapters in the Bible or reading an encouragement laboriously written by one of my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. Thinking that these activities only take me a maximum of 15 minutes to do, I wonder what 15 minutes are anyway. Not much in a 24h day, and even less in the course of a lifetime. And yet those 15 minutes reward me with something by far more precious than I would receive if I spent them on something else: A closer relationship with God.
Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. (Lk 6:12)
Jesus devoted His “extra 15 minutes” to foster His relationship with God. For sure He was very tired the next day as He had obviously not slept at all. But Jesus viewed time with God more valuable than physical rest. He deliberately set some time apart for God.
We in our seemingly busy lives should also take some time out. Time to pray, time to read the Bible, time to be encouraged. The next time we find ourselves making up excuses because we pretend to be “too busy” for God, let us just be still and take a time-out from our worldly lives. It’s definitely worth it.
Question for reflection: Do we sometimes take out some time to spend it with God in prayer, reflecting upon His words, His great love, His everlasting mercy and His daily care?