He Is Personal

So the LORD said to Moses, “I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.” And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.” (Ex 33:17-18)

After the Israelites worshiped the golden calf, Moses spent forty days and nights interceding for the people. Finally, God honored Moses’ bold intercession, and He promised to restore His relationship with Israel. Yet Moses was still not satisfied, and He wanted more in his personal relationship with God. We may have been Christians for many years, but have we ever really longed for some personal experience or direct knowledge of God? We all ask for personal blessings, but how much do we desire to know God Himself? That is what Moses asked for: “Show me Your glory”.

Moses asked to see the glory of God, and God promised to show Moses His goodness. The glory and splendor were so great that God had to shield Moses’ view with His hand. In this way, God not only showed His glory but also exhibited His tender love to Moses. God cares for the feelings of His workers.

God wants a personal dynamic relationship with us that will transform our lives. Those who seek God will find that they are rewarded with His intimate presence. In the Old Testament, the Lord is called the “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”. Each of us must have our own personal relationship with God. It is not enough to hear the wonderful testimonies in our families. We need to establish our own personal relationship with God. This personal relationship is established once we believe, repent and are baptized. However, this relationship must be nurtured so that it can grow into something intimate. Our relationship with God goes far beyond church attendance and regular devotion. It should affect our lives in all aspects.

When we approach God in our prayers, we can relate to Him in many ways. Sometimes we talk with Him as our Father, which He is. If we’re under spiritual attack, we can go to Him in prayer as the captain of our souls. He is your friend when you want to pour out your heart. Do you relate to your Savior as the lover of your soul? The Lord Jesus is always with us, ready to listen to our prayers and talk to us. Hymn 339 “Jesus Is All the World to Me” reminds us that we can always go to Him when we are sad, in sore trials or are happy. Knowing that Jesus is our friend surely gives us much comfort.

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