Upon reading Job chapter 1, I questioned how Job was able to worship God when his loved ones and all of his possessions were stripped away from him all at once, beyond human reasoning.
From the actions Job took, we can learn how to worship God during times of trials and tribulations. He immediately ‘fell to the ground and worshipped’ (vs 20). He simply did not make time to complain or murmur. Instead, he remembered who God is, and praised Him. Though it is clear that Job was in deep sorrow, his emotions did not distract him or move his faith. He was wise to know that to endure these sufferings is better than to curse, sin or charge God with wrong (vs 22). Described as ‘blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil’, it is clear Job had established a strong and immovable relationship with God. He had not allowed his possessions and children to become idols in his heart, as he understood that God is the Creator of all things. Thus, when he was hit with such great calamity, Job found his source of strength in God, and was not easily overcome.
Like Job, we must not value the physical as being more valuable than God.
God is the almighty Creator of all things, one who has authority, who knows all things to come, and all these physical possessions belong to Him. It is highly important for us today to establish a strong and immovable faith in God as He is our source of strength (Ps 46:1). Even when we are not in hardships and our lives are going smoothly, we should ensure our faith is founded in God and strive to better our relationship with Him even more. As once we are met with great difficulties, and the foundation of our faith is tested, these trials, tribulations and even our own emotions shall not overcome us. Instead, we will be wise to worship Him.