In one of my classes this semester I was bewildered by the idea of having to write a “team” paper. Unfamiliar to the work of editing, but knowing myself to be quite the meticulous writer, I took up the lead role in my group. Little did I know just how much a group of peoples’ writings could differ from one another!
Some wrote in present tense, some in past, and to my surprise one person even wrote in future tense. References and citations were inconsistent and some even had missing information. I was also aware that some members of the group clearly did more research than others. The different writing styles simply did not blend or flow. Truly, I had never understood this saying clearer: “it is easier to destroy than to create.” After many unspeakable, unfortunate hours, I finished editing the paper and thought it flowed fairly well. However, to my disbelief, as I proof-read the paper for the absolute last time on my bus ride to school before handing it in, I still found a couple of errors.
Anyway, this interesting experience had me pondering upon the phenomenon of how the Holy Bible came together. Written by over 40 authors separated by time and space–over the period of thousands of years–and translated into thousands of languages, its message remains unchanged to this day. Clearly, no book written this way could possibly make sense! The Scripture was only possible because God spoke through His writers. The fact that there are no contradictions in message of the Bible is one strong evidence that it is a timeless wonder containing the precious God-breathed words of life “…profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-7).
Yes, Holy Bible is truly written by the hand of God.
Before coming to TJC, I used to read some Buddist scriptures. Some of the philosophy are totally different, and many times directly contradicting. The only thing that unite the Buddists is by talking about everything as “empty” and “meaningless”, its like the religion of zero, or nothing at all.
But Chrisitianity is different. We have at least one. One Lord, One faith, One God, One doctrine, One Baptism… etc. We have some hope in this life, our existance have some meaning. And without the oneness preached in Holy Bible, this cannot happen.
Buddhism is a teaching, not a religion. That’s what I was told.
I also heard that there are Christian-Buddhism believers.