I Would Be True

“When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.” (Acts 11:23, NIV)

The church in Jerusalem had sent Barnabas to visit the new converts in Antioch. Barnabas was perfect for this mission, as the Bible says that he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. His name, which the apostles gave him, is translated as Son of Encouragement. He was brave, for he was the only one who dared to meet Saul after his conversion, although the latter had greatly persecuted the church.

Barnabas serves as a model for us to follow. Barnabas also encouraged the believers in the church of Antioch to remain true to the Lord. The lyrics of the hymn I Would Be True provide some examples of how to be true:

“I would be friend of all the foe, the friendless;
I would be giving, and forget the gift;
I would be humble, for I know my weakness;
I would look up, and laugh, and love, and lift;
I would be prayerful through each busy moment;
I would be constantly in touch with God;
I would be tuned to hear the slightest whisper;
I would have faith to keep the path Christ trod;”

As we lead or participate in church work, we may come across people who are not cooperative. Directly or indirectly, we may also hear some criticism. If we don’t have the ability to forbear and forgive, we may give up serving God in a moment of frustration or anger. Then, all our efforts will go down the drain. We must learn to forbear and forgive the shortcomings of ourselves and others.

To learn the truth well, humility is not enough. We also need to add gentleness. A meek person can obey God and the truth. Humility enables us to see our shortcomings and to find ways to improve. Then, we need to further obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that we will make progress.

“That you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days.” (Deut 30:20)

To “cling to God” means to cultivate an intimate, personal relationship with Him, allowing us to be filled with and guided by the Holy Spirit. We should seek His guidance for our lives, recognizing that God is not just a figure to obey but a true friend. Being a friend of Jesus Christ involves obeying His commands and being true to Him. “True to the Lord” means that we share in His sufferings and remain faithful even unto death (Rev 2:10). Clinging to God gives us hope and joy in Him. It inspires us to look up, laugh, love, and uplift those around us.

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