Taking God for Granted

After I completed my Master thesis defense on last Friday, I was very elated until I almost forgot the most important and precious thing in my life–the almighty God. Reflecting upon this, up until the defense, I cried out to God when I needed His guidance and to lift my burdens. Yet when I finally achieved it, I neglected Him while thinking that I alone willed my success. How wrong was I to think that.

Well, thank God I realized this mistake, and immediately, I prayed to thank Him for helping me pull through my thesis defense and with a good grade too. 🙂

Many times I heard or read about how people neglect God after they became successful. This time, I was one of them. 😛

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About yokemay

I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. By God's grace, I was baptized on 20 May 2007 in Bangkok TJC after almost 10 years of searching for the true church. Currently, I'm a PhD candidate at Yuan Ze University in Taiwan and a member of Neili TJC in Taoyuan, Taiwan.

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