- Log in. Under “Posts”, select “Add New”. To edit a previous draft, select that draft.
- As you write, remember to save. For works in progress, keep the “-Unfinished-” category checked.

- When ready to publish, uncheck the “- Unfinished -“ category and categorize the draft among the 20+ categories. In the worst case, check “Other.” Multiple categories are allowed, but try keeping it to three categories. If it is a Big Loaves article, please be sure to check “Big Loaves”. Save and hit “Submit for Review”

- An appointed reviewer will be automatically notified of a draft submitted for review and will publish it upon approval. Possible grammatical and spelling errors may be corrected. This process will be done as quickly as possible since it is understood that a blog is a real-time medium.
- Little Fish posts submitted for review that are not published in a month’s time can be assumed to be rejected. Because of the workload, the reviewer may not contact the writer. Writers are free to make inquiries of unpublished posts.
Big Loaves articles are scheduled and may be approved and published much later than the actual submission date.