Tag Archives: commission

Witnessing to My Best Friend

I’ve known Megan since 7th grade. She knew I went to True Jesus Church and that services were on Saturday, but that was all I ever shared with her. Evangelizing to her never crossed my mind because religion rarely crept into our conversations. It wasn’t until my dad asked if I wanted to bring her to a Friday hymnal praise night that I actually did. We learned in RE class that arguably the most effective type of evangelizing is personal evangelism; from friend to friend, family to family. I realized I was very lukewarm in my faith and easily forgot Jesus’ Great Commission in the calm rhythm of daily life.

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Long Beach Airport, Gate 4

I walked towards my gate 10 minutes before boarding time. Most of the waiting area was full as I searched for a vacant seat. Eventually I spotted one on a corner and sat down, letting out a sigh of release. In less than 2 hours I would be back in Norcal, getting ready to go to bed.

I glanced over at the middle-aged woman sitting in front of me. She was reading what was unmistakably the Bible. Should I try to preach to her? Do I have the courage to talk to her? I was scared to try, but my mind was telling me that this was an opportunity, and that when it comes to preaching, we need to go beyond our comfort zone. I also had a TJC pocket calendar on me for this very purpose.

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