Tag Archives: holy work

When Our Work Seemed to Yield No Result

When peace finally came upon the reign of David, the first thing David wanted to do was to build a fitting house for God. How magnificent was the temple in David’s mind! How appropriate would it be for David, who defeated many enemies of God’s people, to build a temple to glorify His name! So intuitively good was the idea, that prophet Nathan didn’t even bother to ask for God’s approval. But God had a different view. God told David, “You shall not build a house for my name”.

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Servitude: It’s the Heart That Matters

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I testify.

It’s been almost eight years ever since I came to Taiwan to pursue a doctorate degree. Upon knowing that the school had offered an unconditional full scholarship for four years, I was enthusiastic to move to Taiwan despite my poor proficiency in Mandarin Chinese. Although I’m a Malaysian Chinese, I grew up in a non-traditional Chinese family, adopting mostly western values instead. At home, we mainly spoke in Cantonese and English. While I was in elementary school and high school, the medium of instruction was in Malay language. Unsurprisingly, I was known by friends as a “banana” (a person of Chinese origin with yellow skin but isn’t well-versed with Chinese language, particularly Mandarin Chinese). Since many people knew that I didn’t know Mandarin Chinese, they were indeed surprised and amazed that I was coming to Taiwan.

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He Accomplishes

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil 1:6)

The church at Philippi was a consistent encouragement and blessing to Paul. He rejoiced every time he remembered the Philippian believers because of their participation in the gospel. He had confidence that God would complete the good work in them.

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