Tag Archives: strength

Too Tired to Pray

Preacher is here!
It’s time for morning prayer.
I can’t get out of bed. Too tired!
I barely slept. I’m finally getting restful sleep after praying early in the morning.
My body needs rest to recover.
I itched all night.
My body aches and my arms are numb.
God, surely you won’t deny me a little more slumber?

I can’t face getting out of bed.
I don’t want to look in the mirror.
I don’t want to shake and vac.

Oh how I miss those days when I could just get up and go.
Wake up, pray, watch the sunrise at the beach, go for a run or swim.
Now…now… I’m a walking snowflake.

“My child, what did you promise me?”

Dear Father, please forgive my weaknesses. I am so unworthy of your love.
I desired to seek you and dwell in your house all the days of my life!
To behold the beauty of the Lord.
And to inquire in your holy temple.
I asked for the wind to blow upon me and let my fragrance flow…

Preacher‘s last visit here was 80 days ago. There are only 8 morning prayers whilst he is here.

Today I am still able to go to pray in your House Lord.
Today I still have the opportunity to offer thanksgiving in your holy temple.
Today, whilst I am still living and breathing… whilst I’m still mobile… I will seek you.

Today I will get out of my bed and come into your presence and worship YOU!

Walking in the King’s Highway

“For the LORD will comfort Zion, He will comfort all her waste places; He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; Joy and gladness will be found in it, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.” (Isa 51:3)

This passage does not just show God as a gardener of our lives, but also as our comforter. Our lives are spiritual gardens and God is the gardener. He changes us and comforts us so that the dry and barren soil of hearts grows into something beautiful.

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Ponder the Path of Your Feet

“Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.” (Prov 4:26)

When a person believes in Jesus Christ, he embarks on a journey of faith. For the rest of his life, he lives with the hope to be with God forever in heaven when his journey comes to an end.

Let us ponder the path of our faith journey from six perspectives:

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Delayed Gratification

We are living in a fast-paced world where things move very fast and instant. Information can be obtained with just a click of our fingertips. Technological advancement has made it possible to purchase food and products without the need to step out from our house. Slowly but surely, this will shape future generations who demand instant rewards and cannot stand delayed gratification.

What is delayed gratification? It is resistance to the temptation of an immediate pleasure in the hope of obtaining a valuable and long-lasting reward in the long term. It is akin to the saying that “good things come to those who wait.” However, teaching our kids to practice delayed gratification is pretty tough in today’s world of instant gratification.

Let us look at what the Bible says about the spiritual aspect of delayed gratification and later, we will discuss some ideas on how to help our kids develop this virtue.

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Blessed Is the Man Whose Strength Is in You

“Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage.” (Ps 84:5)

Have you ever felt like your life is shattered by the unpredictable trouble and fear in recent years from the global pandemic, inflation boom, growing violence, and numerous natural disasters? It is hard to feel secure about our life and surroundings. The world is full of uncertainty, afflictions, and tears. Yet, we all need to face and pass through our journey of life to make the pilgrimage.

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