Tag Archives: works

Be A Doer

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (Jas 1:22)

In this information-rich world, we might have noticed that our time for God and focus on God, particularly in Bible study or meditating God’s word have been dwindling. Thus, the prerequisite in being a doer of God’s word is to strengthen our spiritual foundation by making Bible study a priority in our lives (Jn 1:1; Mk 4:20). If we continue to do this on a daily basis, gradually Bible study becomes a habitual activity likened to taking a shower, brushing teeth, eating and drinking, etc.

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Shining like the Stars

“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” (Dan 12:3)

When we sang hymn 232 before the Sabbath morning service, the last sentence of the chorus caught my eyes. It read, “And they that turn many to His righteousness shall shine as the stars ever bright.” It reminded me of the afternoon Bible study topic, as we were going to study 1 Corinthians 3. In this chapter, Paul used the metaphor of building to illustrate the qualities of the holy workers’ works.

According to the Apostle Paul, the foundation of the building is Jesus Christ. There are two kinds of material that can be employed in the building. We are urged to examine how we build—with the valuable and lasting material (gold, silver, and precious stones) or with the worthless and fleeting material (wood, hay, and straw). Continue reading