Tag Archives: zeal

Reflection on My Life of Faith

Today, I would like to share about the different stages of my life of faith: 1) before my encounter with the True Jesus Church, 2) when I first stepped into a True Jesus Church and 3) after I believed in the True Jesus Church. At different stages, I have been cared for and loved in different ways. Therefore, I would like to reflect and share with you what I have learned.

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But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” (Mk 10:38, cf. v39-40; Lk 12:50)

The baptism that Jesus was referring to here is not water baptism, but the baptism of trials and suffering. When I was young and an unbeliever, I used to wonder, “Why are good kids bullied in school? If the problem is not with them, why are they ostracized for being good?” It took me a while to realize that such kids—coming from good, loving, and often privileged homes, who are meek, good-tempered, and usually bright—are frequently the target of bullies because of jealousy. This is often inexplicable, but the human psyche is not easy to understand. Is it better then for them to renounce their good nature or privilege just to avoid the bullying? Of course not.

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The Last First and the First Last

“And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last.” (Lk 13:30)

Jesus’ response to the question, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” ended with this statement: “There are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last”. I used to be puzzled by what Jesus meant. In the world of technology, I can understand that young professionals with fresh training in new technology can overtake old school senior workers in the job market, but how does this apply in the spiritual realm? Continue reading

Who Am I?

“Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?” (2 Sam 7:18)

King David, the second king of Israel – although not without fault, was a handsome man, a righteous leader, a mighty warrior, a conqueror of lands, a skilled musician and a poetic psalmist. There came a time in his life as king when he wished in his heart, with all good intention, to construct a beautiful temple for the Lord, a dwelling place for God where His prophets could live and teach, and a place where the people could learn and worship. He consulted the prophet Nathan, who replied, “Go, do all that is in your heart, for the Lord is with you.” However, we find that in the end, it wasn’t the will of God for David to do so, but rather, for his son Solomon. Later on, David went before the Lord, sat down, and poured his heart to God in thanksgiving. What can we learn from this story? Continue reading